Benjy Pester
Assistant Professor
- Health and Sports Sciences
Contact Information
- 614-2366525
- Battelle Hall 356
Benjy Pester wears many hats at Capital. He is department chair of Health and Sport Sciences, program director of the athletic training program, assistant professor and student advisor. He teaches several courses within the athletic training curriculum, including therapeutic exercise, senior seminar in athletic training, administrative aspects of athletic training and clinical instruction.
Pester joined the faculty at Capital 15 years ago. Prior to that, he spent two years as a graduate assistant at Ohio State University where he worked with the football and tennis teams while receiving a Master’s degree in Allied Health Education. A 2003 Capital alum, Benjy then returned to Capital where he has been a faculty member for the past fifteen years.
As department chair, Pester spends much of his time advising students, and his “door is always open." He's proud of the department's hands-on approach to learning, and its ability to match clinical placements with a student's personality and learning style.
B.A. Athletic Training- Capital University
HSPTS 260: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
HSPTS 261: Sport Injury Care & Management
HSPTS 270: Motor Learning
HSPTS 362: Biomechanics
HSPTS 254: Sophomore AT Clinical I
HSPTS 255: Sophomore AT Clinical II
HSPTS 354: Junior AT Clinical I
HSPTS 355: Junior AT Clinical II
HSPTS 454: Senior AT Clinical I
HSPTS 455: Senior AT Clinical II
HSPTS 495: Pre-PT Internship